UV lights have been around for some time, in fact in 1935 William F. Wells, a Harvard University sanitary engineer, demonstrated that UV light could inactivate airborne infectious organisms. From …
What tools should a pool operator have for the mechanical room?
A pool operator is a technician and needs a proper set of tools to be prepared to maintain and repair all equipment in the pump room. This list is focused …
The Importance of Tracking Water Usage
Whether it’s from evaporation, filter backwashing, or splash out, commercial swimming pools lose water constantly. It is not difficult to set up water loss tracking in the form of a …
Cartridge Filter Cleaning, A new way
During COVID we released a product we called ZGEN. By lowering the pH before the saline water travelled through the electrolytic cell, we were able to manufacture a product called …
If you can get your hands on a 1920 copy of LIFE (I bought one as a collector’s item, sadly it has not appreciated much); you will see a 1 …
The Importance of Pool Turnover Rate
A swimming pool’s turnover rate may be considered the most important aspect of a commercial swimming pool. It is simply how fast the volume of an entire pool can go …
Pump Room Maintenance Considerations
I spend a lot of time in pump rooms. If you are an established facility considering upgrading your pump room and equipment or a facility that is in the planning …
TMI has long had a strong presence in the state of Alaska, with several clients going back almost a ¼ of a century! What drove them to us was the …
How Often Should a Pool be Brushed?
Commercial pools should be brushed daily. For a residential pool, the typical recommendation is to brush once or twice a week. Most residential pools see a ridiculously low bather load. …
Pool Pump Room Size Matters
We recently toured a well-respected New York Architect at one of the high-end spa facilities that we have provided our Salt Pure® automated system to, at his request. He was …
Electricity and Swimming Pools
I read a tragically sad story in a pool trade magazine this morning; about a father who died from an electrical shock he received as he was trying to pull …
Tech Bulletin: Do not use any products that add sulfates to your water!
Certain products increase the level of sulfates/sulphates which is detrimental to all equipment, the pool surface, and the swimmer. They include, but are not limited to, products containing sulfuric acid, …
Last time we looked at using LEDs for some energy savings: ENERGY SAVINGS FOR YOUR POOL SERIES: LEDs – TMI Sustainable Aquatics (tmiaquatics.com) This time, we look at using a …
Talking Safety
In our industry safety is an issue that should always be on a pool technician’s mind. We actually devote an entire chapter in our CPO classes on safety. I was …
How Does a Sand Filter Work
Filtration is a necessary and important step of any water circulation system but not many understand how it filters the water beyond the basic understanding that the water passes through sand. In this short series, we’ll delve into how different filtration systems function.
CPO® (Certified Pool Operator) COURSES
We believe knowledge is important. Every person in our company is CPO® certified; from management, sales, administration, to techs. If you are working in commercial aquatics, we suggest being CPO® Certified or equivalent.
This is Ed’s first blog in the Energy Savings for Your Pool Series. Let’s talk LED lighting.
Converting your commercial pool from traditional chlorine to saltwater pools are where we excel. We look at how and can answer any questions you may have.
We have always cleaned our cartridge filters, both for the company pool and personal spa with a known filter cleaner that we purchase. I cannot say that it does a …
Please Stop Using Colorimetric Testing
Colorimetric testing is color based. A reagent is added to the pool water sample, it’s held up to the light and judged based on how much color is present. Using …
Water Chemistry Levels
When I teach a CPO class, one question I always ask is “Can anyone tell me what the most important chemical reading in your water?” What do you think it …
Why is My Pool Green?
Algae. It’s the most common cause of water turning green. It’s important to understand how the algae got there in the first place so it can be prevented in the …
How to use LSI for my pool?
Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is a method of measuring how “balanced” the water in a pool is. This determines if the pool water is going to have any effect on …
Read Pool Chemical Labels!
Please, red pool chemical labels! It’s important to always understand what the chemicals you’re adding to your pool do. Read the labels carefully for dosing instructions and side effects. Example …
How Much Salt Should I Add to My Pool?
Maintaining the proper salinity levels in your pool or spa is paramount when running a chlorine generator. If you run the salinity too high or low, you could damage your …
Fill water – Don’t take it for granted
When we take on a new commercial pool, we like to gather baseline data from the Pool Operator to better understand the account we are going to support. One of …
How many gallons are in my pool?
Do you know how to calculate the gallons in your pool? We can help with that.
Aquatics: Calibrating Sensors and Test Kits
It is critical to note that test kits, probes, and some other pieces of equipment require calibration from time to time. Related to this, knowing what the variance of a …
Dogs in Salt Water Pools
Some dogs enjoy swimming.
Breakpoint Chlorination
You all know the logic behind this right? Well if not then here is a short overview: – Get enough people in your pool, doing what people do, sweat (yes, …
Fill Water: Basics
The basics of fill water and your pool.
Chlorine Generators; Residential vs Commercial – Part 2
Part 2 in Timothy’s Chlorine Generators: residential vs commercial series.
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC): Feed Equipment
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) Series: Feed Equipment
Bather Loads
Bather loads matter when it comes to your pool equipment.
Winter Skin – Tis the Season for Itchy Skin
If you are associated with public swimming pools then you have heard this one before “What have you done to the water, my skin gets really itchy these days?” …
Pump Room Air Quality
How is your pump room air quality? Every commercial Aquatics facility is bound to have harmful chemicals, both stored and in use, to manage the water chemistry of their swimming …
Avoiding Disease in a Cootie Filled World (RWI)
During our rising summer heats, what better place to be than the pool. As operators, we immediately feel the increase in attendance; our equipment is feeding more, chemicals are being …
Tipping the “Scales” of Water Balance
As an operator, there’s always a sigh of relief when all your equipment is working as it should and all chemistry readings are within range – the water is that …
One Salty Argument on Corrosion in Commercial Pools
Recently I came across -again- the age-old misconception of salt water pools being overly corrosive and bad for equipment. I usually start making my points calm and composed but that …
Does Your Swimming Pool Have a Sacrificial Zinc Anode?
In simple terms, a swimming pool acts like a big battery. A typical battery consists of an anode a cathode and an electrolyte which allows current to flow between the …
Please Stop Using Colorimetric Testing
Colorimetric testing is color based. A reagent is added to the pool water sample, it’s held up to the light and judged based on how much color is present. Using …
Water Chemistry Levels
When I teach a CPO class, one question I always ask is “Can anyone tell me what the most important chemical reading in your water?” What do you think it …
BACnet and Aquatics Integration
BACnet and aquatics integration. Read more about how it can help you and your facility.
Bather Loads
Bather loads matter when it comes to your pool equipment.
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code: Flow Meters
If you missed the last post in the series where we talked about Facility Operations, click here. Section of the MAHC covers opens with: Over 22% (approximately 20,000) of the …
Pro Pool Maintenance Tip: Corrosion and Acid
Over the years I have seen hundreds of thousands of dollars in damaged pump room equipment due to the improper storing of muriatic acid tanks/barrels within the pump room. On …
Know When To Replace Your Chemistry Controller Sensors
When should you replace your chemistry controller probes/sensors? Ask this question to 10 aquatics professionals and you may well get 10 different answers. This may be due to the brand, …
How Automatic Are Chemistry Controllers? A Comparison Of Different Technologies
Every day thousands upon thousands of facilities across the country depend upon their chemistry controllers to keep their pools and spas in line. Yet despite the staggering number of devices …
Why Is It Important To Use A Controller In The Pool?
It is not 1970, no longer can we look at a pool and say “well it’s clear” throw in some granular chlorine and call it “good enough”. It is 2017, …
Automation and pH Control for Your Pool
I have just visited with a high end HOA, in the desert, close to Las Vegas to discuss upgrading their water to a Salt Pure® system. As is my habit …
What is ORP and How Does it Work in a Chemistry Controller?
ORP stands for Oxidation Reduction Potential, which is measured in milliVolts, and indicates the potential of the halogen (chlorine or bromine) to oxidize (changing the chemical structure of contaminants; or …
What To Consider Before You Automate Your Pool?
A chemical automation system is admittedly the best way to ensure proper water chemistry at any commercial swimming pool installation. Because of this, many states have made them mandatory! Commercial …
Rules Regarding Chemistry Controllers – Over-calibrating a Controller
Many years ago I received a call from a client telling me to come and remove a controller we had sold them because it would not even track pH correctly, …
How To Choose Chemistry Controller For A Commercial Pool?
So, you are looking at chemistry controllers intending to buy. You’ve either decided it’s time to “jump on the band wagon” and automate some of those tasks you’ve been doing …
Chemistry Controllers Then and Now
Back in the early to mid-90’s, chemistry controllers were seen as high priced items that only the big clubs could afford to purchase and maintain. The last few years have …
The Importance Of Automated pH Control
Most commercial pool professionals know that pH is the most important measure for water chemistry. They also know that it is darn near impossible to control by hand – it’s …
Are You CPO Certifiable?
There are many great reasons to get a CPO® Certification. For someone new to the aquatics industry, it can give them a good foundation of general knowledge to build upon …
Why Hire CPO® Certified Pool Operators?
With Healthy and Safe Swimming Week going on right now, what condition the water that you swim in is important! The average bather probably doesn’t think about proper pH, free …
Certified Pool Operators® – Why Should You Have One?
According to the NSPF, a Certified Pool Operator® is someone who has been trained and tested competent in the basic knowledge, techniques, and skills of pool and spa operations. The …
Commercial Pool Operation – In-house or Outsource?
Why not let outside pool professionals tend to your commercial pool? After all, they are “professionally” trained to ensure that pools run effectively. Pool care is what they do, all …
It’s CPO® – Certified Pool Operator – class time again!
Another great CPO® class is in the books. For the past two days I’ve been teaching my latest class, enjoying every minute of it. Every one of my students teaches me …
Do You need a CPO®? (Certified Pool Operator)
When I joined TMI, I had never heard of a Certified Pool Operator (CPO®). I had no idea they existed. People really undertake training and education just to take care …
TMI has long had a strong presence in the state of Alaska, with several clients going back almost a ¼ of a century! What drove them to us was the …
Nightmare on Pool Street: Pumpkins in the Pool
Halloween is a fun time at the pool with pumpkins but don’t just toss in dirty ones. Clean them first.
Dogs in Salt Water Pools
Some dogs enjoy swimming.
Neutral Electrolyzed Water – An Exciting N.E.W. Use for Salt
Neutral Electrolyzed Water, creation and uses.
Coronavirus: COVID-19 Health Club Resources: Sanitation vs. Disinfection
Did you know there is a difference between sanitation and disinfection? During the pandemic, clean won’t cut it, you need disinfection. Read more about sanitation vs. disinfection.
Learn to Swim!
The Most Important Aspect of Enjoying Your Local Swimming Pool this Summer: LEARNING TO SWIM! For fear of stating the obvious, the most important aspect is……learning to swim. Yes, I …
Labor Day Approaches!
You see it? Just there…. Just flip the page on the calendar… ah ha! now you see it, there it is, LABOR DAY!!! There are only two weeks left to …
Happy Holidays from TMI Sustainable Aquatics!
Hello and Seasons Greeting! I am super excited. Our yearly inventory is winding down, and our staff party is looming. But, most importantly… Today is our last work day of …
The Results of “Claro Nica”, TMI’s Holiday Charity Drive
TMI’s Holiday Charity Drive Update You Gave the Gift of Sight to Nicaragua! “CLARO NICA!” At the end of last year, we asked for your help in collecting reading glasses …
Seasons Greetings from TMI
Another year down and we hope it was a good one for you. If 2014 wasn’t your year, here’s to a new shot in 2015! As always, everyone at TMI …
TMI’s First Annual Holiday Charity Drive!
TMI’s Holiday Charity Drive Give the Gift of Sight to Nicaragua “CLARO NICA!” ‘Tis the season…the season to give. For many of us, we have more than we need …
Happy Holidays!
We at TMI are taking some time to enjoy family, friends, and the delights of the holiday season. We hope you are doing the same and wish you all the …
The Importance of Tracking Water Usage
Whether it’s from evaporation, filter backwashing, or splash out, commercial swimming pools lose water constantly. It is not difficult to set up water loss tracking in the form of a …
Cartridge Filter Cleaning, A new way
During COVID we released a product we called ZGEN. By lowering the pH before the saline water travelled through the electrolytic cell, we were able to manufacture a product called …
The Importance of Pool Turnover Rate
A swimming pool’s turnover rate may be considered the most important aspect of a commercial swimming pool. It is simply how fast the volume of an entire pool can go …
Pump Room Maintenance Considerations
I spend a lot of time in pump rooms. If you are an established facility considering upgrading your pump room and equipment or a facility that is in the planning …
How Often Should a Pool be Brushed?
Commercial pools should be brushed daily. For a residential pool, the typical recommendation is to brush once or twice a week. Most residential pools see a ridiculously low bather load. …
Tech Bulletin: Do not use any products that add sulfates to your water!
Certain products increase the level of sulfates/sulphates which is detrimental to all equipment, the pool surface, and the swimmer. They include, but are not limited to, products containing sulfuric acid, …
Last time we looked at using LEDs for some energy savings: ENERGY SAVINGS FOR YOUR POOL SERIES: LEDs – TMI Sustainable Aquatics (tmiaquatics.com) This time, we look at using a …
How Does a Sand Filter Work
Filtration is a necessary and important step of any water circulation system but not many understand how it filters the water beyond the basic understanding that the water passes through sand. In this short series, we’ll delve into how different filtration systems function.
This is Ed’s first blog in the Energy Savings for Your Pool Series. Let’s talk LED lighting.
Please Stop Using Colorimetric Testing
Colorimetric testing is color based. A reagent is added to the pool water sample, it’s held up to the light and judged based on how much color is present. Using …
Dirty Power in the Pump Room Part 2
In part one, we discussed what dirty power is, how to detect it, how to avoid it and what it might do to your equipment. Toady we’ll talk more about …
The Dangers of Trichlor and Dichlor in Erosion Feeders
Using Dichlor or Trichlor tabs may seem like a good way to take out two birds with one stone. Not only does it increase the chlorine, but it also increases …
A Case for Salt
The commercial aquatic industry has been using traditional chlorine for so long now that it has become THE standard method to sanitize a commercial pool; very little thought has gone …
Air Quality in the Pump Room
If your pool equipment is installed in a room with no HVAC, this will eventually lead to failure of equipment. Many pool pump rooms across the US fail to adequately …
The Importance of Hydrostatic Relief Valves
Do you need to drain your pool? Hydrostatic relief valves help prevent pool pop.
Importance of Bypass Lines in a Pump Room
When we are discussing installing our equipment with a client, we always insist that the equipment is installed on a bypass line. Most of our clients “get” it but some …
DOE Pool Pump Changes and Facility Operations
DOE Pool Pump Changes and Facility Operations
Extend the Life of a Chlorine Generator Cell
As a chlorine generator technician, I often get asked why is a replacement chlorine generator cell so expensive & how can they make the cell last longer? For starters, the …
Why is There Sand in my Pool?
Do you know why there is sand in your pool? David discusses this maintenance issue in his latest blog.
Maintenance Tip: Check Your Sample Lines and Feeder Lines
I recently was replacing & installing new chemistry controllers at a facility. Before I started the install, I performed a visual inspection of the existing equipment and existing polyethylene water …
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC): Feed Equipment
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) Series: Feed Equipment
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code: Flow Meters
If you missed the last post in the series where we talked about Facility Operations, click here. Section of the MAHC covers opens with: Over 22% (approximately 20,000) of the …
Understanding the Model Aquatic Health Code: Facility Operations
In today’s post, we’ll be looking at some of Section 6.4.1 Operations, starting with the first paragraph. (If you missed the intro to this series, click here.) Develop The …
The Model Aquatic Health Code
Required Reading: The Model Aquatic Health Code (2016) Recently the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code has concluded it’s 2017 Biennial conference. During the conference that entities from the public …
The Women’s Club Health and Fitness Center of Missoula, MT has gone Salt!
TMI is proud to welcome The Women’s Club Health and Fitness Center of Missoula, MT into our Salt Pure® family! One of the country’s 1st women’s health clubs, The Women’s …
Introducing Elizabeth Taylor’s Aquatic Center!
TMI is proud to announce one of our newest partnerships and welcome Elizabeth Taylor’s Aquatic Center into the TMI family. Elizabeth Taylor’s Aquatic Center located in Los Angeles, …
TMI Partnership Announcment – Welcome Olivet Nazarene University!
TMI Salt Pure is proud to announce our partnership with Olivet Nazarene University and their new Student Life and Recreation Center. The Student Life and Recreation Center (SLRC) features …
A Case for Salt
The commercial aquatic industry has been using traditional chlorine for so long now that it has become THE standard method to sanitize a commercial pool; very little thought has gone …
How Do Pool Salt Systems Work?
With the growing chlorine shortage continuing to raise prices for the foreseeable future, many are wondering why they are dependent on spending so much money on a product every single …
Having been in this business for over 25 years I have heard some “interesting” stories about salt pools; here are a few that have stood out over the years: * …
Chlorine, what chlorine?
If you are in the pool industry you have no doubt heard of the looming chlorine crisis, if you have not then brace yourself for a shock (pardon the pun). …
How Much Salt Should I Add to My Pool?
Maintaining the proper salinity levels in your pool or spa is paramount when running a chlorine generator. If you run the salinity too high or low, you could damage your …
Chlorine Generators; Residential vs Commercial – Part 1
While reading through a recent trade journal a headline caught my attention “Make more money selling Salt Chlorine Generators”. The article started off with,” Salt chlorine generators can be one …
Reasons to Consider A Salt Water Pool
The content of this article mainly pertains to residential swimming pools. The benefits of salt are universal. There is so much to like about swimming pools. For one, it gives …
One Salty Argument on Corrosion in Commercial Pools
Recently I came across -again- the age-old misconception of salt water pools being overly corrosive and bad for equipment. I usually start making my points calm and composed but that …
Is Adding Salt to a Swimming Pool The Same as Adding Chlorine?
There is a nagging myth in aquatics that seems to persist no matter how much information is out there. You may have come across someone with this misconception: That adding …
What Does it Take to Operate Your Salt Pure® System?
Often one of the first questions asked when I discuss converting a new account to a Salt Pure® system is, ‘What does it take to operate?’ The reality is that …
Are Saltwater Pools Still “Just Chlorine”?
I just read a great blog by Dennis Gray discussing how the pool industry should embrace saltwater pools, instead of trying to talk their clients out of using them on …
Is Stainless Steel Resistant to Corrosion In A Salt Water Environment?
The other day I had a customer, with newly installed TMI equipment, call me. He was told by a representative of a pool service company that you do not want …
Salt Pure® vs. Salted – Liquid Chlorine Systems
People have asked me, “Do I really need to put all the money into a salt system or can I just throw salt in and use liquid chlorine? It’s the …
The New Pool Detective – Salt!
By now we all know that a salt pool has many advantages…well most of us, if we are honest with ourselves, do. It is now the most popular residential pool …
Where to Buy Swimming Pool Salt?
Got Salt? Ideas where to get pure salt for your swimming pool Chlorine generators require salt water to produce chlorine, which means the pool operators require salt in order to …
Where are the Saltwater Pools? – Guest Post
Today’s post comes to us courtesy of Caroline Munsterman at The Mod Polly, a website where modern and sustainable living meet. Check them out for a connection to environmental resources …
Adding salt to a pool – How, Where, and When
Being in the business of salt pools, naturally one of our most frequently asked questions is “How do we add the salt?” Almost as often we hear “When do I …
The Advantages Of Salt Water Pools. Why Are They Better?
Why do swimmers leave a swimming pool or spa and head straight for the shower? Heck, they have just been immersed in water! It’s not to wash off the pool …
Chloramine Smells
Can you tell if a place has a pool by the smell? Do you know what that smell is? We are talking smelly pools in this blog.
Random Objects Found in Pools
We’re listing some of the random objects and things we’ve found in a pool or spa.
About Corrosion and Bonding In The Swimming Pool
I have a gripe about our industry and it can hit both the commercial pool owner and commercial pool guys pretty hard. In a nutshell, it is this: Corrosion of …
Fun Water Fact Blog – Snow
50 Shades of White The winter is slowly creeping up on us and soon enough we will have to deal with another both loved and hated aspect of water. Snow. …
UV lights have been around for some time, in fact in 1935 William F. Wells, a Harvard University sanitary engineer, demonstrated that UV light could inactivate airborne infectious organisms. From …
UV Maintenance is Important!
If you have an Ultraviolet system (UV), you should always be aware that the systems require regular servicing to maintain the proper UV dosage. Failure to maintain the units will …
Pro Pool Maintenance Tip: Corrosion and Acid
Over the years I have seen hundreds of thousands of dollars in damaged pump room equipment due to the improper storing of muriatic acid tanks/barrels within the pump room. On …
Why You Should Consider Low Pressure UV Over Medium Pressure
There is a ton of controversy and misinformation about the difference in the effectiveness between low and medium pressure UV units. First, you have to decide what you want the …
UV Systems For Commercial Swimming Pools – Part 3
If you haven’t already please take a moment to read our introduction to this series, as well as part 2, which covered the topic of Medium Pressure UV. To wrap …
UV Systems For Commercial Swimming Pools – Part 2
In our intro to our discussion on UV we listed the three most common options of commercially available Ultraviolet systems: Medium Pressure, Low Pressure, and Low Pressure Almagalm. Today we’d …
UV Systems For Commercial Swimming Pools – Part 1
We’d like to take a minute to talk about Ultraviolet systems, since they are one of the hottest trends that the swimming pool industry has seen in a while. In …