TMI’s First Annual Holiday Charity Drive!

In Holiday by TMI Sustainable Aquatics



TMI’s Holiday Charity Drive Give the Gift of Sight to Nicaragua “CLARO NICA!”

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‘Tis the season…the season to give. For many of us, we have more than we need and are wealthy in ways that extend beyond monetary goals. TMI would like to invite you to join us in giving back to those who may not be as fortunate.

A few years ago, while traveling in NW Nicaragua, Timothy came across a small fishing village with a wicked surf break so he decided to stay for a while. What impressed him was the warmth of the people, but what saddened him was the poverty in which they lived. When his stay was at an end he gave most of his belongings away. He gave his shoes to an 80 year old man who had never really owned a real pair of shoes. This experience made him want to help in any way that he could.

 Since then he has traveled back to the village and has begun a program we call “CLARO NICA”. His goal is to provide as many reading glasses as he possibly can so that he can give the gift of sight. The last time he was able to begin with 30+ pairs and the outpouring of gratitude was so strong that he has now expanded this to all of Nicaragua.

TMI is inviting you to join us in opening the world of vision to the inhabitants of Nicaragua.

We will be collecting new and used glasses (reading or magnifying glasses) and will be sending them directly to Nicaragua this holiday season. We are asking our clients to join us in this endeavor.  Perhaps place a medium (or even large!) USPS flat rate box at your front desk and encourage your patrons to fill it up with their old, unused glasses. Does your facility work with kids? Perhaps introduce this as a way for them to make a huge difference in the lives of other children in our world.

TMI will pay for you to ship all donations here, to our office, where we will collect them into one package and mail them directly to our contact in Nicaragua. We hope to be able to update you with stories and photos of recipients after the glasses have been received. Please let us know if you are willing to participate in our first ever Charitable Holiday Drive. The more glasses we can collect, the more lives we can change. Timothy will personally deliver the first batch, so please see deadline before. Sincerely, Your TMI team DOWNLOAD POSTER HERE ATTACH TO YOUR COLLECTION BOX TO SHARE THE WORD ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR COLLECTION EMAIL  Cathy ( FOR A SHIPPING LABEL WE WILL SEND YOU THE LABEL TO SHIP TO TMI. WE WILL ALSO SHARE PHOTOS OF THE RECEIVING PARTIES IN NICARAGUA ON FACEBOOK WITH A LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE. DONATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JAN 15TH, AS TIMOTHY WILL PERSONALLY RETURN TO NICARAGUA TO DELIVER THEM LATER THAT MONTH THANK YOU FROM TMI Timothy in Nicaragua