Often one of the first questions asked when I discuss converting a new account to a Salt Pure® system is, ‘What does it take to operate?’ The reality is that there isn’t much more (and often, actually less) required vs. a traditional system.
The answer to this is really two parts; the first is for the controller, the second is for the rest of the equipment.
Controller operation breaks down into three categories:
Checking/Verification – Daily checks to ensure the system is in line
A. Using the daily water tests already conducted, the results are compared to the control system to verify it is reading correctly.
2. Maintenance – periodic maintenance tasks necessary to ensure proper operation
A. Calibration – After verifying the readings, when they are mismatched, the sensors are calibrated to match the hand readings.
B. Cleaning – When calibration becomes too frequent, the sensors should be cleaned.
3. Adjustments – Minor adjustments to control parameters for more accurate control
A. Adjustments are made periodically as pool usage changes or when new control sets are added.
Operation of the Salt Pure® and UV systems can really just be “set it and forget it”once the controller is running things. Beyond that periodic cleaning of salt cells and UV sleeves that takes place as needed. (Not unlike Cal-Hypo feeders and chlorine/acid pumps, but easier.)
At the end of the day, operation of a Salt Pure® System really comes down to making sure the controller is working correctly. If it is, everything else will fall into place and keep the pool clean and sanitary.