The Importance of Pump Room Maintenance

In Blog, Maintenance Tips by David Jerkins

We have talked about it before, but it is probably the most important part of running a commercial pool. The pump room of a commercial swimming pool is critical infrastructure and should not be neglected. Failure to properly maintain it will cost much more in the long run. Always stay on top of leaks, equipment malfunctions, and general servicing. There are two primary issues we find in a lot of pump rooms across the country that need to be addressed by management:

Maintain a Stock of Important Parts

The multiport valve for sand filters has several gaskets and o-rings. If you don’t have those on hand and a gasket blows, it will dump water down the waste and will drain the pool. That’s just one example of what can happen if a stock of parts is not maintained.

Run out of muriatic acid? Shut the pool down, it’s closed until you get more. This is doubly important for some remote locations that can’t source it locally.

Keep all gaskets, o-rings and small parts on hand. These are affordable and don’t take up much space and could make a big difference.

Chlorine generators have cells that have to be replaced every few years. Keeping one on the shelf means you won’t have to resort to purchasing liquid chlorine to sanitize the pool.

Controllers have probes that need to be replaced every few years. These are small and don’t take up space.

Metering pumps have tubes and rollers or diaphragms that should be kept on a shelf. These pumps will need these items placed periodically.

If you have a small storage area and can only maintain a fraction of what you need, work on increasing storage. Some build a storage unit outside of the main buildings to house chemicals.

Determine what parts you need in order to continue operations and keep them in stock.

Stay on Top of Important Maintenance

A leaking multiport valve means that the gasket needs to be replaced now, not later when it’s dumping your pool down the drain.

Chlorine Generators require inspection and cleaning. The cell will need to be cleaned a few times a year to perform optimally.

A bonus that may not be considered is that by staying on top of maintenance, you can catch faulty equipment while it’s still in its warranty period and possibly get it replaced at little to no cost.


Inspect your facilities today, ask yourself these questions:

If this piece of equipment broke today, what would happen? Would it shut down the pool? Would we lose revenue? What would it cost to repair quickly?

Find out what items you need to get on a shelf, and what items need maintenance. Give your pump room a thorough inspection and decided what needs servicing and set a schedule for your staff. Contact the dealers and ask them for servicing manuals.

Stock up on important parts and maintain your equipment. This will save your facility money, time, and keep the pool open and the swimmers happy.